Japanese Soccer Team Clinic

After my senior year in the Roosevelt High School soccer program, we had the great opportunity to host a professional soccer team from Japan at our local soccer field. I give my Coach props to help organize and coordinate this event and allowing us to participate in this very unique and fortunate occurrence. The first day of the clinic we got to have a nice scrimmage with the international players and our high school team, where we got absolutely demolished but It was still very fun and a good experience.

After the scrimmage, the real clinic started with younger kids from elementary and high school coming onto the field and we were tasked with setting up the various drills in sections of the field and assisting the kids in the different soccer drills. Along with setting up the drills we had to set up benches, tents and water jugs for everyone to use. The setup process was nothing new because we had to that for all our home games at our field. I am very grateful for the opportunity to experience playing with the Japanese players, seeing that soccer can connect and bring people together, and aid other aspiring soccer players with their skills.