As a Computer Science student I felt that the Rad Grad tutorial was very insightful and introduced me to a bunch of new topics in the computer science realm. Growing up I wouldn’t say I was a complete tech whiz or was fascinated by building computers, but I do admire some of what technology has done and is doing for our lives. Moving forward with my education in this exciting and trail-blazing field, I found that Rad Grad can actually help improve my experience as an undergraduate and prepare me for after graduating.
One way it can help me improve my undergraduate experience is to point me to new opportunities to build up my skills and show me others in my community that share common interests. Going through the Rad Grad tutorial I’m way better off now that I am aware of all these different events and side projects I can do like the Meteor Hackathon, HACC, and tackling “Cracking the Coding Interview”. Another great thing about going through the tutorial was it prompted me to pick some of my interests, where it exposed me to a broad spectrum of computer science topics and where I can learn more about them. Some piqued my interests more than others, and within the Rad Grad website you can see who else shares your interests and you can possibly make connections with bright like-minded individuals.
One of the best things Rad Grad has for me that ties everything together including the opportunities and future courses to take, is the planner feature. I am in my second semester as a sophomore and I feel like the planner with Rad Grad will help me form a better plan for the course of time in school and encourage me to do more extracurricular coding outside of classes. All in all I really like the foundation and core values of Rad Grad and all the new ideas and possibilities it has opened my eyes to. Looking forward to taking action on my planner and joining ACM along with participating in future events!
Image is Screenshot from video.